Scope note for the class Intention to Apply – actE3  Back


Scope note


This class comprises the mental states of individual instances of E39 Actor that intend to or want to apply a particular instance of Activity Plan. This can be understood as the period of time when an individual or group holds a particular will. It binds the activity plan to the actor. The ‘intention to apply’ may be abandoned before the realization of the plan. When the plan is actually realized, the ‘intention to apply’ must necessarily still exist. Characteristically, the passing of a law initiates the intention of a parliament to apply the law. In many cases, the creation of the plan initiates the intention to apply it, and in the case of “active plans” the completed realization of the plan ends the intention. Often, the existence of the ‘intention to apply’ cannot be determined other than by the realization of the plan.

