Scope note for the property has spatial projection – Q4  Back


Scope note


This property describes the spatial projection of an instance of a SP1 Phenomenal Spacetime Volume on an instance of SP2 Phenomenal Place. Even though the projection of a spacetime volume to one instance of SP3 Reference Space is unique, each reference space gives rise to another projection. The projections overlap at the time of the spacetime volume, the respective instances of SP2 Phenomenal Place may later drift apart, or earlier be yet apart.
The property P7 took place at is a shortcut of the more fully developed path from E4 Period through Q1 occupied, SP1 Phenomenal Spacetime Volume Q4 has
spatial projection to SP2 Phenomenal Place. This property can be extended in a future model to a ternary (3-ary) relationship describing the spatial projection under a temporal constraint.

